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Cihangir Akşit's Novels

Sarı Sessizlik

Sarı Sessizlik
The disappearance novel
Sarikamish 1914

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe
A 27 year service in
defense of a nation



Status of the Russian Army

The Russian Army was divided into three groups; Sarikamish Group with two Corps in the middle, Oltu Group in the north, and Yerevan Group in the Murat Region in the south. So, the comparison of both sides is on the screen.

Photo: Russian Czar II. Nikolai
Photo: Russian Czar II. Nikolai
Photo: General Mislayevski (Acting commander of the Russian armies due to General Daskov's illness)
Photo: General Mislayevski
(Acting commander of the Russian armies due to General Daskov's illness)
Photo: Chief of Staff General Yudenic
Photo: Chief of Staff General Yudenic
Sketch: Status of Russian Army
Sketch: Status of Russian Army

    — Sarikamish Group  : (1st Caucaus Corps-2nd Turkistan Corps)
    — Oltu Group  : (9 Infantry Battalions, 7 Cavalary Companies, 24 Mountain Cannons)
    — Yerevan Group  : (12 Infantry Battalions, 41 Cavalary Companies, 58 Cannons)

The Commander of the Caucasus Army was in fact Daskof but since he was sick Mislayevski assumed duty as the commander instead of him. The chief of staff was Yudenic.

Since they used to live under such a cold climate, their endurance was naturally better than Turks and as such they were historically called "children of the snow".

Actually, all that has been told so far can be summarized by this expression written in the report forwarded by major Ali İhsan, Chief of Operations Branch, General Staff to Enver Pasha, the Commander in Chief;

"Today, the Ottoman Army is not capable of conducting an offensive war, particularly in winter. Bareness will soon show its effect and the army will be defeated by the diseases such as dysentery and cholera, rather than the Russians itself."

Weapons and Logistics Situation:

Photo: Russian soldiers
Photo: Russian soldiers

Fotoğraf: Russian soldiers marching
Photo: Russian soldiers marching

Photo: Children of the Snow
Photo: Children of the Snow

First of all, they can shoot us from long distances because, they have more powerful and long ranged cannons than Turks had. Logistic support was good as there were no threat.

Photo: Russian canned food
Photo: Russian canned food

Photo: Russian Mobile Kitchen
Photo: Russian Mobile Kitchen

Their equipments were better. They also have cloaks, winter clothes and thick woolen socks whick can protect them from extreme winter conditions.

When a Turkish Soldier kills a Russian first he picks his winter clothes but he was not allowed to take his boots and other equipment.