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Cihangir Akşit's Novels

Sarı Sessizlik

Sarı Sessizlik
The disappearance novel
Sarikamish 1914

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe

Colonel Resat Cigiltepe
A 27 year service in
defense of a nation



Causes of the War

In short, we can study the causes of the war under the following 6 headlines.

1. To reduce the load and pressure on the European front, with the strong influence by the Germans,

2. Thrilling mood of Enver Pasha and his desire to obtain a new "Tannenberg" victory,

3. To erase the shame on the Ottoman Army due to the defeat in the Balkans War,

Painting: Turkish soldiers returning from the defeat in the Balkan war
Painting: Turkish soldiers returning from the defeat in the Balkan war
Sami Yetik, oil painting

4. The impression that the Czar’s Caucasus Army is weak and particularly very vulnerable to encircling maneuvers,

5. To reclaim the lands lost during the 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian war.

6. Following a potential victory, realization of "Pan-Turanism" dream,

Sketch: Pan Turanism
Sketch: Pan Turanism